To Yew Or Not To Yew, That Is The Question.

Claiming waves is generally reserved for the pros — arms thrust to the sky, finger guns popping, enthusiastic shakas thrown. Yet some of us have been known to let out a high-pitched yew as we surf our wave of the day. A yew is the sonic version of a wave claim, but is it acceptable?
Usually we'd hear the ‘Yewwwwwwww!’ from a fellow surfer as they watch someone else’s wave. It’s surfing camaraderie at its best, everyone is stoked on the stoke. But to yew yourself? To debate the yew or not to yew question we asked team riders Brisa, Hannah and Mason.

Brisa is all for it:
‘Yew yourself. Life is too short to not let it all out and be proud. I don't think we celebrate our accomplishments, triumphs and happiness enough. I want to be more expressive with how I'm feeling and proud of what my body does.’
Hannah too agrees:
‘Hell yeah, especially when you get a good wave. All chicks should claim anyway, it feels good. It's a good way to remember the wave, too. And it lets everyone know that you're having the most fun.’

Mason prefers to be more restrained when she’s feeling the stoke — the giveaway is her huge grin as she rides the wave.
‘To yew yourself, when you're on wave? I probably wouldn't, it’s not my style. But I do it to plenty of other people, so I feel you give what you get, and they yew back when you get on a wave.’
We agree with Hannah and Brisa, a yew for yourself on the wave of the day is great. On every wave? That would be a little extreme but who knows? Try it and report back. It might catch on and a chorus of ‘yewwwws’ could be heard from surf breaks up and down the coast.
Explore the Summer Looks Good On You campaign.